In most Commonwealth armoured regiments affiliated or allied
with the British Royal Tank Regiment, the celebration of Cambrai Day takes
special significance in the regimental calendar. On 20th November
1917, near Cambrai in France, the fledgling Tank Corps was first used en mass,
when some 400 armoured vehicles took part in an attack on the German lines.
On Saturday 19th November 1983, the Queen
Alexandra’s Squadron (QA Sqn) of the Royal New Zealand Armoured Corps (RNZAC)
held a mounted parade in honour of the occasion. The Squadron was located at
Waiouru on the centre of the north island of New Zealand, in the shadow of the
snow capped peak of Mount Ruapehu.
The parade was commanded by the Officer Commanding (OC),
Major Graeme Ready, later to become the Director of the RNZAC. The QA Squadron
traces its roots back to its horsed predecessors, and the OC rode a horse on
parade, as did the Honorary Colonel and two of the officers.
After an inspection and drive past, the Squadron moved off
the parade ground for a drive though the camp. A firepower demonstration was
conducted later in the day by the School of Armour, using the Scorpion and
M113A1 vehicles.
The following pictorial presentation of the parade and other
events gives some details of the camouflage and markings of the RNZAC vehicles
at that time.
Graeme Ready inspecting the Squadron from his horse. |
M113A1 vehicles driving past the reviewing stand. The US style MERDEC
camouflage was used, as it most closely matched the Waiouru training Area
desert terrain. The bolt on aluminium panels on the hull front between the
headlights and the turn indicators have luminous reverse sides which are
used when the vehicles operate on a public road. Only a 0.50 inch machine
gun is fitted in its T50 Turret. |
cut down rubber side skirts are clearly visible in this view of an M113A1
during its drive though the camp. |
an M577A1 Armoured Command Vehicle with callsign One Zero Bravo (10B)
prior to the parade. The side skirts have been removed, leaving the
original green paint finish along the lower hull. |
M125A1 Mortar Carrier from the front. The vehicle mounts an 0.50 inch
machine gun on the commander’s cupola. |
"Aardvark" from the right side during its
drive though the camp. The four aerials on the roof can be seen, as can
the stowage rack for the portable generating set on the front of the
vehicle’s superstructure. |
side opening rear hatches of the Mortar version are seen in this photo of
the M125A1. The civilian number plate carried on the rear mudguard is
carried by all New Zealand Army vehicles which can operate on public
roads. A five digit NZ number is also carried. |
M548A1 Tracked Load Carrier (TLC) has a hard top over its cabin area
instead of the more normal canvas roof. The vehicle commander standing in
the ring mount with 0.50 inch machine gun is holding the vehicle’s radio
aerial to avoid collision with overhead power lines. |
rear view of two TLCs showing the difference in camouflage patterns. Even
the plasticise canopies are camouflaged. |
lone M41A1 tank was paraded on the day. Here the vehicle is parked next to
one of the Squadron’s 16 Scorpions, giving a good comparison of the
relative size of each tank. |
driver of the M41A1 is wearing a Russian Style padded crewman’s helmet.
The markings carried by both vehicles are seen in this photo. |
line up of Scorpions prior to the parade. The radio callsigns are carried
on the side of the turrets, and the camouflage patterns are quite similar. |
same line up of vehicles from the rear. The vehicles carry the radio
callsign on the hull rear stowage box, although the left hand vehicle is
not so fitted. The civilian number plates on each vehicle are visible on
the hull rear. |
Scorpions driving past during the parade. The Squadron badge is stencilled
on the searchlight cover, and the 76mm barrel is in gunmetal finish. |
close up of one of the Scorpions. The various stowage boxes of the New
Zealand version are seen, and the convoy stripes in black and white are
seen on the lower hull rear. |
An M806A1 Armoured Recovery Vehicle Light (ARVL) and
M579 Fitters vehicle driving past the reviewing stand. The QA Squadron
used those designations for their vehicles, although neither were
standardised for US service. The difference between the freshly painted
ARVL and the well-used Fitters vehicle is very noticeable. |
rear view of the ARVL, showing the anchor spades for recovery operations,
and the centre spade section stowed on the right hand side of the roof.
The small hand operated crane is in its travelling position on the left
hull top, and the vehicle callsign is painted on the commander’s cupola
hatch. |
Fitters vehicles and an ARVL from the rear. The Fitters crane is not
stowed in the recommended travelling position, although this postion makes
it easier to come into operation when at the site of the vehicle casualty |
detail view of the Fitters, showing the large centre roof hatch which
opens to give access to the hull interior. A personnel cargo hatch is also
fitted, and the Australian style filter box on top of this smaller hatch
is clearly visible. |
M113A1 of the School of Armour at the firepower demonstration. It is
finished in a dark olive drab colour scheme, the T50 turret being an even
darker shade. The vehicle carries sensors for the Simfire system, which
allows simulated combat to take place and "hits" to be recorded.
The civilian number plate is carried on the trim vane and the NZ number is
in white on the hull side. |
Scorpion tank on its way to the firepower demonstration. This bronze green
vehicle does not have the stowage box on the right side of the turret, and
a nylon kinetic energy towrope is stowed on the front of the hull. |
rear of the same vehicle. |
Squadron displayed some of its former equipment, and we see here a Ferret
Mark 1 Liaison Vehicle finished in bronze green colour and mounting an
0.30 inch Browning Machine Gun. |
view of the Ferret Mark 1. |
Ferret Scout Car Mark 2 in camouflage, parked near an M41A1 Tank. The sand
channels are stowed on the hull front, but the vehicle lacks any armament. |
side view of the Ferret Mark 2 Scout car. |