About Us

Anzac Steel is a website focused on reference and historical material about Australian, New Zealand and other Commonwealth military vehicles.

We welcome the submission of new material for inclusion on Anzac Steel. Submissions may be directed to the Editor at bgreen@bigpond.com .

For information on how to submit articles or pictures, please see the guidelines below.


Submission Guidelines

Anzac Steel will be very pleased to publish material relating to Australian, New Zealand or other Commonwealth military vehicles of any era.

Text can be as detailed or as brief as you like. The article may accompany an email to the editor (at bgreen@bigpond.com), or can be sent as a Word Processor attachment separately.

If you have access to a scanner, the best method to submit pictures is to scan your photos at around 100 - 150dpi and save them in .jpg format. The pictures should be no wider than 640 pixels.

You can also attach these to an email and send them to the editor.